Taboo - meaning and definition. What is Taboo
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What (who) is Taboo - definition

Taboos; Taboo breaking; TABOO; Tabuistic; Don't go there; Social bans; List of taboos; Sexual taboo; Social taboo
  • [[Cannibalism]], Brazil. Engraving by [[Theodor de Bry]] for [[Hans Staden]]'s account of his 1557 captivity.

(also tabu)
¦ noun (plural taboos or tabus) a social or religious custom placing prohibition or restriction on a particular thing or person.
¦ adjective prohibited or restricted by social custom.
?designated as sacred and prohibited.
¦ verb (taboos, tabooing, tabooed or tabus, tabuing, tabued) place under a taboo.
C18: from Tongan tabu 'set apart, forbidden'.
1) to break, violate a taboo
2) a rigid taboo
3) a taboo on
4) (to place smt.) under (a) taboo
I. n.
[Written also Tabu.] Interdict, prohibition.
II. v. a.
Interdict, forbid, prohibit, put under taboo, put under an interdict, forbid to be used or touched.



A taboo, also spelled tabu, is a social group's ban, prohibition, or avoidance of something (usually an utterance or behavior) based on the group's sense that it is excessively repulsive, offensive, sacred, or allowed only for certain persons. Such prohibitions are present in virtually all societies. Taboos may be prohibited explicitly, for example within a legal system or religion, or implicitly, for example by social norms or conventions followed by a particular culture or organization.

Taboos are often meant to protect the individual, but there are other reasons for their development. An ecological or medical background is apparent in many, including some that are seen as religious or spiritual in origin. Taboos can help use a resource more efficiently, but when applied to only a subsection of the community they can also serve to suppress said subsection of the community. A taboo acknowledged by a particular group or tribe as part of their ways aids in the cohesion of the group, helps that particular group to stand out and maintain its identity in the face of others and therefore creates a feeling of "belonging".

The meaning of the word taboo has been somewhat expanded in the social sciences to strong prohibitions relating to any area of human activity or custom that is sacred or forbidden based on moral judgment, religious beliefs, or cultural norms. "Breaking a taboo" is usually considered objectionable by society in general, not merely a subset of a culture.

Pronunciation examples for Taboo
1. taboo.
Principles of Applied Stupidity _ Justin Locke _ Talks at Google
2. transitory taboos, stubborn taboos, and
Taboos of Science
3. It's taboo.
Negotiating the Nonnegotiable _ Dan Shapiro _ Talks at Google
4. What's taboo?
Let's Talk about Death (over Dinner) _ Michael Hebb _ Talks at Google
5. That's taboos.
Negotiating the Nonnegotiable _ Dan Shapiro _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of Taboo
1. Taboo discussion Discussion of rape is taboo in Arab and Muslim society, making the woman‘s comments on TV shocking.
2. No taboo is taboo for "The Aristocrats." Bob Saget, the beloved "Full House" father, provides a definition of "cockeyed" unimagined by Merriam or Webster.
3. Bush has suddenly decided the idea is no longer taboo.
4. Adultery can mean jail time, and premarital sex is taboo.
5. Public tears, especially a man‘s, were once taboo.